Do We Need a Nanny?

its some kind like a solution for carer women as you, if you wanna work, but you have a baby, little one. what you gonna do? cancel your works or you got Nanny? its depend on you. and now, i will give some reason why we need Nanny to take care about our children. so can go to work on.
Baby sitter often become an important family needs, especially for parents who are both working. Although the supposed role baby sitter caring for children only when parents are working, but that role began to shift. When father and mother there was, sometimes still take care of baby sitter.

The scenery is also common when a family trip to the mall. Father and mother of the little fun to see your bag or shoes, the child remained alone with the sitter. There was even a mother who would leave their children in the salon cream bath, while the child remains with her baby sitter.

Actually, these conditions are less ideal for the child. Therefore, the lack of contact with the parent making the child lacks a strong emotional bond. There is even an anecdote that says that the child is not the father-mother, but the child's baby sitter.

Of course you do not want to make your child a 'child' baby sitter is not it? If you want to receive the love child instead of guardians, but really from you, do certain things that your child continues to feel safe, happy, and get attention from her parents.
Start with the events that are not done routinely every day, such as holidays. Plan your vacation with a little more intimate and warm, without the presence of someone other than the father and mother. Make sure that you and your partner will not vacation without the hassles of an assistant who used to help child care.

The first step is to plan. For example, going on vacation to grandma's house outside of town. Make a list of the small luggage. Your child needs to be prioritized. Ensure the needs of food, clothing, and baby's favorite toys are not left behind. If all the equipment your child is certainly not complete and no one else, needs to prepare a new mother's father.

For any child needs, prepare two different bags. One bag of clothing and equipment that are not urgent. Another one bag for food and goods at all times necessary, such as oil and diapers Telon. This separation will facilitate you if your child is hungry or pup. While the bag is placed in the trunk only, because it does not need open-opening.

Your child's favorite toy is an effective travel companions. Whether you go by private car or by public transportation, make sure your child's favorite toy at his side. Usually quite calm if your child his favorite toy beside him. But if his favorite item is missing, get ready to listen to the whining child or your child struggling with a rolling left and right.
Prepare also supplies documentation such as cameras or camcorders. Recording devices are required to record the important moments and fun between father-mother and child. Certainly a great loss if it had traveled for hours to grandma's house, but no photograph your child with his grandmother or his brothers.

Not only to record events at the destination, the image recording device can also be used to record events during the trip. For example, when stopped to eat at a restaurant, as well capture it. Once back at home father and mother can make a review and tell the journey back to the little guy. After that try to tell the child was asked again about his trip.

If you prepare a proper holiday and thoroughly, without the presence of any baby sitter, vacations can still be cool and not too much trouble. This way of making your child more impressive, because he really got the attention of parents, not from his baby sitter. (bny RORA :) )

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