Early Chilhood Education is The Most importance, Specially for Children

Every country has a maintenance system in early childhood education in developed countries has been going on for long as a form of community-based education (community based education), early childhood education is very important for the survival of the nation, and should be taken seriously by the government. Early childhood education is a human resource development strategy should be seen as the focal point of considering the formation of character and reliability nations determined how the cultivation of human resources since early childhood. The importance of education at this time so often referred to as the golden age.
Early Chilhood Education is The Most importance, Specially for Children

Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education (early childhood) are levels of education by level of education policy is the construction of a building intended for children from birth up to age six years done through the provision of education to help boost growth and development of physical and mental readiness of the child has entered further education, which was held on formal, non-formal, and informal.

Early childhood education is a form of education that focuses on the maintenance of the placement policy towards growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intelligence (forces thought, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), socio-emotional (attitude and behavior and religious) language and communication, according to the uniqueness and the levels of growth experienced by young children.

At this time the fields of education, psychology, medicine, psychiatry, has developed rapidly. The situation has opened up new horizons of understanding and changing the way the child care and education. Every child has many forms of intelligence (Multiple Intelligences), which according to Howard Gardner there are eight intelligences or domains owned intelegensi everyone, including children. Eight domains, namely the music intelligence, kinesthetic body, mathematical logic, linguistic (verbal), spatial, naturalist, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Multiple Intelligences need to be dug up and grown up with a way to give the opportunity for children to develop to their fullest potential for unsurpassed self-owned (Tientje, 2000).

The importance of how early childhood in Developing Nations Future

Development of human resources implemented in developed countries like the United States, Germany, Japan and others, starting with early childhood development that includes treatment, care and education as an integrated whole and implemented. Understanding the importance of early childhood development as a basis for the development of human resources has also been done by other ASEAN nations such as Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, including the country's industry. In fact, early childhood education services in Singapore belonging to the most advanced when compared with other ASEAN countries.

The importance of early childhood education has become the international attention. During the meeting the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal in 2000 to produce six action-deal as a framework of education for all and one thereof is to expand and improve the overall care and early childhood education, especially for children who are very prone and less fortunate, Indonesia as one a member of the forum are bound to implement this commitment.

International attention on the urgency of early childhood education, reinforced by a variety of recent research on the brain. At the time the baby is born it has supplied God with complete brain structures, but only reaches maturity after outside the womb. Newborns have more than 100 billion neurons and glia Tues about one trillion that serves as a glue and synap (the branches of neurons) that will form bertrilyun-trillion connections between neurons that number is more than needed. Synap will be working until age 5-6 years. A large number of these connections influence the formation of brain capacity throughout his life. Growth in the number of brain tissue affected by the experience gained children in the early years of his life, especially a lot of fun. In this development phase will have a tremendous potential in developing language skills, math, thinking skills, and the formation of emotional stability.

There are four principal consideration of the importance of early childhood education, namely: (1) complete the quality of manpower, (2) encourage acceleration of the economic turnaround and low social costs because of high work productivity and resilience, (3) improve the equalization of society, ( 4) helping parents and children.

Early childhood education is not only working to provide learning experiences to children, but more importantly serves to optimize brain development. Early childhood education should also include the entire process of psychosocial stimulation and is not limited to the learning process that occurs in the institution. This means that early childhood education can take place anywhere, at any time as in the case of human interaction that occurs within the family, peers, and of social relations that correspond to the condition and development of young children.

Early Childhood Development

Most people think that providing early childhood education, it is only by adults who do not require knowledge of early childhood. In addition they consider does not require professional early childhood. 

If early childhood to be done at home by their own mothers, then mothers should learn and increase knowledge of the child's learning process, example by reading books, attend lectures or seminars on early childhood.

In reality more and more mothers work outside the home, so must the role of substitute mother to understand the child grows.

Learning in early childhood is a learning process which is done through play. There are five essential characteristics of play in relation to early childhood (Hughes, 1999), namely: to increase motivation, free choice (own without coercion), non-linear, fun and performers become actively involved.

When playing one of the criteria are not met example teachers dominate the class by making an example and given to the child, instead of teaching and learning through play. Teaching and learning process as it makes the teacher is not sensitive to the level of difficulty experienced by each child.

Parents unawarness of children difficulties can also occur, the main reason given is usually due to a lack of time because the parents work outside the home.

Understanding the child's development can be done through interaction and interdependention between parents and teachers who continue to do so digging the potential intelligence of children can be optimized. Interaction be done by teachers and parents understand child development and the ability to be owned at least the basis of children, namely, musical, body, logical mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal and inter personal, because in general all have seven intelegency the scale level of course vary .

Role of Older Persons in early childhood

Son is the embodiment of loving adults who are ready or not to become parents. Having a child, ready or not, to change many things in life, and in the end like it or not we are commanded to be ready to become parents to be able to prepare our children to be able to carry out their future life well.

Know, know, understand the child's world is not easy. World colorful world where everything is beautiful, simple, cheerful, full of love, full of wonder and surprise. World should be owned by each of the children in, but much depends on the role of parents.

The members concurred that the role of parents so great in helping their children ready to enter the gates of their lives. This means that if talking about the gate of their lives, they will discuss the prospects for the next 20-25 years of their lives. In the year that they enter the real life. Into full survival, entry into the world of independent they should have fully escaped from the parents where the decisions of their lives is to be able to do themselves. This is where the role of parents is very reduced and as a parent, at the moment we can only see the fruits of our education now, without being able to do any changes.

Why do parents need to enhance intellectuality children to prepare them to go to school? The answer this time the school asked a high enough requirements of the quality of a student. Still in elementary school students who obtained is introduced with a variety of education and knowledge since the dawn. The children have must have high creativity since childhood. Therefore, children who have a high intellectuality will be more receptive to the good of all that was taught. They will have high self-confidence, more adaptable, more easily accept new things, or intellectuality children can develop long before they enter school. Conditions such as that which put the elderly as the first and primary teacher for their children in informal educational programs that took place within the family.
Above is my Article about Early Chilhood Education is The Most importance, Specially for Children, i hope and ai wish it would be useful as references of "Early Chilhood Education is The Most importance, Specially for Children"

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