healthy sexual relationship for you

healthy sexual relationship for you
Dr Boyke also reveals steps that must be done to get a healthy sexual relationship and exciting, among others:
1. Sexual relations with marriage
Sexual relations with sex marriage can minimize free, so as to obtain a healthy sexual relationship. Sexual relations with marriage will minimize the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
2. Sexual intercourse with a basic sense of love
Her love was very supportive of sexual satisfaction and loyalty is the reason for the couple. With the faithful to a partner it will prevent sex, so avoid the transmission of venereal disease.
3. Creative in sexual intercourse
Creativity in the ways of sexual intercourse can make the couple does not get bored for sexual intercourse, thereby supporting domestic harmony.
4. Emotional involvement during sexual intercourse
Certainly strongly support the involvement of emotional sexual satisfaction. Couples who have sex with love, of course, also be involved in emotions during sexual intercourse.
5. Techniques, and variations in sexual positions
There is no harm in studying the various techniques, variations, and positions in sexual intercourse from books or other media. With changing techniques and positions during sexual intercourse can make the couple do not get bored and tired.
This is very useful in an old married couple, which is certainly sexual satisfaction can have a positive effect tehadap domestic harmony.
It never hurts to keep the couple in choosing the techniques and the current position will have sex. But, of course it should not be done at the insistence of her partner.
Care for themselves or for a woman to beautify herself for her husband is very handy for mebangkitkan passionate partner. Intimate organs, such as washing and cleaning of the vagina is very important. In addition to maintain the cleanliness of the vagina, also of course to make the husband more excited.
Maintain ideal body weight to remain healthy and beneficial to maintain fitness and sexual arousal. Being overweight can affect fertility, such as being overweight in men would lead to increased levels of estrogen.

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