Keep slim and get your healthy body
Keep slim and get your healthy body
Keep slim and get your healthy body is always gonna be our ideal dreams. Slim, sleek should not just dream of every young woman, because the slim, sleek not only make you more beautiful, sexy but also be healthier. Because the "goal" it is healthy, of course all should desire it, not just women, men too, not just the young, the elderly should, too. Because it's beautiful slim and pretty it is, then the magazine covers adorned with images of beautiful women and slim so in demand and expensive, ads starring beautiful women and athletic men will also be expensive. Take a look at the event democrazy example, guest stars who appeared definitely a slim beautiful woman. Guest star in the comedy show, too, when there are guest stars that obese women (belly), I'm sorry, so usually only object farce
Slim is clearly not the same as the skinny, not identical with only a skin covering the bones, if that's including disease and malnutrition. Nobody wants to pay you, although you look pretty but skinny, just skin covering the bones to be commercials. Slim's, does not mean your body does not contain fat, your body fat remains in a proportional amount. Slim is also not the same as losing weight, what does that mean you lose weight, but your muscles are also smaller, and your stomach is still distended, the thickness of the fat in your belly is still well above normal. Slim might be equated with the term containing solid, with weight balanced.
Into and maintain it is not easy to stay slim. Along with age, usually starting at the age of 40 years and over, there are trends of accumulated fat, especially around the abdomen for men, and pelvis, buttocks and thighs for women. The older a person under the influence of changes in physiological, hormonal, dietary, lifestyle, including the "sedentary life", a relaxed lifestyle, a lot of sitting around, sleeping, lack of exercise, exercising, lazy, then the energy we get from the foods we consumption, more stored as fat while increasing muscle mengcil. Because eating habits tend more and move less, with age
Related diseases rsisio accumulation of fat in the abdominal circumference is indeed often I find in everyday preaktek. The practice yesterday alone there are about 10 patients with various complaints. There's a mother, aged about 45 years with diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot complications already exist, as it also complained of swelling and pain to the two knees. I can not mebayangkan, if the patient is not able to change your lifestyle, eating habits in the future, other complications would appear heavier and even death. Ten (10) years ago this patient had in fact been consul to me, with prediabetik status. At that time I've tried to motivate patients to change eating patterns and lifestyle, but in reality like that. Ten years later the patient had come again with diabetes mellitus and its complications, which I feared would happen in this Pasie.
With a variety of reasons, my experience in some patients, such as derivatives, has become a habit, it's hard to diet, often feel hungry, especially at night, can not sleep if you do not eat, when to eat a little tired, admitted only eat a little - if the snacks it is not considered a food, you feel comfortable with the conditions of such fat-certainly more comfortable sleep, everywhere can sleep, not necessarily in bed, the snoring can kursipun - too lazy to move, exercise-knee started to hurt when exercise, no time, also began to shortness of breath, and a variety of other reasons to justify the condition of fat. In the key things to be slim and maintain it is a combination of exercise, exercise with a bit of weight and proper diet.
for severe disease should it be a motivation for us to maintain a slim body, the ideal, we grow old walauppun. Other diseases such as cancer, asthma, difficulty in breathing, snoring, injury / disability, high blood pressure, reflux of stomach contents and other Brazilians is another risk that is also often found in those with a circumference of belly fat, belly fat. If the above diseases also can not be a motivation for you to try to be slim, then the circle and distended belly fat is the main cause of reduced life expectancy disablitas and you '. Stay slim, first time you were born too slim, behavior, lifestyle and diet that makes your stomach to be bloated, your pants size increases.
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