how important Taste for your SEX

how important Taste for your SEX
According to Dr Boyke tool of sensation can also be used to excite each pair. Sensation is a tool, among others:
1. Perfume and cream
Perfumes and creams can excite your partner. Should ask the couple to choose a perfume that will be used when sexual intercourse.

2. Clothing
Clothing can evoke sexual fantasy. It never hurts to ask the couple to choose the clothes, including underwear that will apply before sexual intercourse.
There is no harm if the occasional use of certain costume before sexual intercourse to arouse sexual fantasies.
3. Aroma therapy
Aroma therapy with a particular scent can arouse sexual desire, because the atmosphere and the bedroom is also greatly affect sexual arousal and satisfaction.
4. Food and beverages
A variety of specific foods can be beneficial to fitness and increase sexual arousal. However, there are also foods that contain certain ingredients or substances that actually reduce sexual desire, such as MSG.
While food can be beneficial to fitness and increase sexual desire, among others:
a. Shellfish contain zinc
b. Kiwi contains vitamin A and vitamin C
c. Tomatoes contain saponins and vitamin A
d. Honey contains nitrite
e. Chocolate contains fenilalamin
f. Avocado
g. Wedang ginger
By doing a healthy sexual relationship can minimize the risk of cervical cancer for women and venereal disease. Cervical cancer often occurs without symptoms. Smelling vaginal discharge and bloody urine can be signs of cervical cancer metastasis.

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