Romantics words for Valentine days part 1

Romantics words for Valentine days part 1

Love poems to-1:
good morning ...... love the bright end of this morning I could not find your shadow, where are thee? ..... I've always been faithful every morning just to say my love for you ... I also always bring a fresh bunch of flowers and beautiful love for you .. but am a I do not know where the hell you normally would always greet me with a helping of your affection is there .. you think and waiting, until the end of this morning 
Love poems to-2:
I wish all those present in the soul which is your right will be pacing in the story of the lives we live day to day because I love you ... I also want riches my present is perfect because there is in it for you .. my dear knickknacks in the joys and sorrows of the world I love want you to also understand the lava bursts of love which at times can be extra ordinary rained the whole soul .... step semi-step all want the promise of a love story in which we live will feel lighter because you were present at the right end of the needle pierced the heart of my day romance ....
Love poems to-3:
my imagination miserable there in your coming greeted, I smiled brightly as thou smile, but a second later you are going to bring a smile which had not been enjoyed ... I do not know why you go so fast and it brought a smile to go .. I'm also confused why you smile then you left without a word spoken .. where I'll find yourself in a dimly lit light that brings your feet .. where I have to complain because you did not leave a trail ... do I have to shout to the universe to help me find your ways?? .... I also do not know whether it is your sweet smile smile smile last farewell or for me ..
Love poems to-4:
not as cold as the cold night to remember my days when i ignore to  you look at me, with what I have to prove that I love you ... with what I have to demonstrate that I love you all my days, but I have not had said the word no longer visible shadow away .. where .. where you step. . where your shadow the umpteenth time ... I should be disappointed because love has not been approached with a perfect will
I say hi to you ere the ne  missed ........... I love you ...... that you feel my love .. I LoVe yoU
Love poems to-5:
lovely shades of my heart never was erratic because you never stated with perfect love .... if it's just an illusion in imaginary world why you always said hello to me every day .. sweet even so I would always leave my imagination of  you, I greet you like to order to each time you say hi but I doubt it too vague to your greatings arena ...

Title:Romantics words for Valentine days
under archives :Romantics words for Valentine days
Tag:  Romantics words for Valentine days , famous, valentine day, valentine, love, romantic, collection of the most romantic words - words most beautiful romance - wise words - words of love - loving words - word to the wise - the romantic phrases
Category: Romantics words for Valentine day's, Romantic words for Valentine days, famous, valentine day, valentine, love, romantic

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