PRAMBANAN: the buddha's Cultural tourism in indonesia

Prambanan temple as the unique tourism on the world wanna share again about cultural tourism in indonesia. another religious temple beside Borobudur and Bali temple is Mendut temple. now, let me introduce you all about Mendut it is.

 Mendut tample

Mendut tample

background is a Buddhist temple. This temple is situated in the village Mendut, Mungkid district, Magelang regency, Central Java, a few kilometers from the temple of Borobudur.

Mendut founded during the reign of King Indra of the dynasty dynasty. In the inscription which bertarikh Karangtengah 824 AD, stated that the king Indra has built a shrine named wenuwana which means bamboo forests. By a Dutch archaeologist named J.G. de Casparis, this word is associated with Mendut.
Inside of mendut temple

Inside of mendut templeTemple architecture  Building materials is actually a brick temple that was covered with natural stone. The building is located on a high basement, so it looks more elegant and sturdy. Climbed the stairs and the entrance facing south-west. In the basement there is a corridor that surrounds the temple. The roof is three-tiered and decorated with small stupas. Number of small stupas are built now are 48 pieces.

Decoration found in the form of ornate temples Mendut that criss-cross. Decorated with carvings of celestial beings and gods gandarwa apsaras or angel, two monkeys and an eagle.

On both sides of the stairs there are reliefs Pancatantra and Jataka stories. Hariti. The temple walls are decorated with reliefs of which Boddhisatwa Awalokiteswara, Maitreya, Wajrapāṇi and Manjusri. On the walls of the temple are reliefs kalpataru, two angels, Hariti (a yaksi who repent and then follow the Buddha) and Āţawaka. Buddha in a position dharmacakramudra.

Inside the main temple there were three large Buddha statues: the Dhyani Buddha with attitude Wairocana hands (mudra) dharmacakramudra. In front of Buddha statues there are wheel-shaped relief and flanked by a pair of deer, the symbol of Buddha. On the left there is a statue Awalokiteswara (Padmapani) and the right of the statue Wajrapāņi. Now in front of Buddha statues, incense and incense placed baskets to donate. The visitors could light a incense and pray here. that about indonesia tourism, attraction, travel, specially in cultural side. you may like that trip. so, i hope it would be your next travel :) .
its just my reference about tourism :).........
thanks for reading :)


Title: buddha's Cultural attraction in indonesia
under archives : buddha's Cultural attraction in indonesia
Tag: buddha's Cultural attraction in indonesia, tourism, attraction, travel, asia, asian, religious travel and vacation.
Category: tourism, attraction, travel, asia, asian, religious travel and vacation post  buddha's Cultural attraction in indonesia

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