how to make a Good Blog?

The way how to start a blog for your great ideas, Spesiale for your Expression?Herte it is.........

many people ask and Friends and family often ask me, how to start a blog, how, then the process of how, with what and others. and I always explain the advantages of a blog., and I finally made a simple tutorial details like these:
1. decide what kind of blog.
You want to create a blog like what? There are many bloggers on the web already. If you want to attract readers, you will need to build your credibility. Do not just blog about anything. Choosing a topic that you like. Something that you have a lot of experience with the Decided: To Host or Not. To the host when it comes to starting a blog, your biggest decision is whether you want to host your own blog, or use a free blogging service that is hosted for you.
Is there a host geratis? Yes of course there are free blogging service. But with a blog like that you can not make the whole idea of ​​you, there is a limit that you have received, as you could in a change themes or modify existing elements. In another sense, the use or processing of the blog is limited by your server. An example that nothing is really free. When you start a blog with free blogging service like you do not get your own domain. You get something like (where there are a million other blogs on and you do not actually own the blog. If you ever decide to move to their own domain, you have no way to bring your readers with you, because you have no control over the site. Blog like it's tantamount to having a house made of cardboard, you can not do anything with your house instead? You can not make it or make it more baik.seperti membangunya's example.
2. Blog with cheap hosting.
            This is what I suggest, you use free software WordPress.Ini Blog is the method I recommend, because it offers more flexibility and freedom to do what you want here. You will have your own domain name, such as and others. You can get a domain is only about $ 30 per year. And my experience, Wordpress is a very good free blogging software that allows you the flexibility and room to grow. If you want to go the route of free blogging, check out the link to a free blogging service. If you want to host your own blog, go read this.
2. search for the Domain Name.
For me part of this fun. You know what your theme, so now you have to find a good domain name. Find or Find a Web Host for Your Blog. So far, the easiest way to get a web site is to go with a hosting company that offers "one-click install", or the installation of an instant for blogging and forum software. Blogs and forums allow for someone who does not have the experience to get good content quickly.
3. determine your Hosting.
a. Dreamhost
            Look for one that only "one-click" (easy) Installation Dreamhost Hosting For beginners, I recommend Dreamhost, because they tend to care, where many other large hosting companies do not. It costs about $ 119 for a year, but it's very berharga.Edit: I actually use the promo code and be able to get 1 year for about $ 60. Go to: and enter Promo Code: WMLGS1 to save $ 50.
b. GoDaddy.
            or could Additionally, there again, that GoDaddy Hosting Blog Host Another great blog I recently learned about is GoDaddy. They have a 'one click install' Economic WordPress hosting plan which is really a lot (as low as $ 3 to $ 5 / month (the $ 36 to $ 60 / year) depending on how long you sign up for). please go to GoDaddy to check it out.
c. Standard Hosting.
            For a medium budget, 1and1 is better, because you have a budget .. They are much cheaper, but one thing to note is that can take a bit longer to get good support at 1and1. Therefore, I have been using 1and1 for over 4 years (this site is hosted at 1and1). Compared with many other hosts, they have a very user friendly control panel, and their servers are very diandalkan.Harga ranging from 3.99 / month . Go to
4. Install your wordpress.
            Install WordpressIkhtisar Installation If you have experience with installing web applications using MySQL, it can take as little as 5 minutes to do, and the 5 steps below may be all you need, however, I have further explain each step below for beginners .
First, make sure your host meets persyaratan.rincian. Make sure you have a database ready with proper username and password. rincianDownload and unzip WordPress. rincianDalam Wordpress folder, find and make a copy of the wp-config-sample.php. Rename the copy to wp-config.php and fill in your database details. Save the file baru.rincian Upload all files to a directory on your web host where you want to live blog - rincianJalankan installation file. install-folder/wp-admin/install.php. rincianPersyaratan: To run WordPress your host just needs a few things: PHP version 4.2 or version 4.0 or lebihMembuat lebihMySQL DatabaseAnda can usually do this in your hosting control panel. If you are not sure how to do this, ask your hosting company. Once you've set it up, you should have 4 pieces of information about database.1. Database Name - The name of the database Anda.2. Name - the name of the user database Anda.3. Password - The password database Anda.4. The host name - this will be a host name. This may be something like, or just this localhost.Tanpa 4 things, you will not be able to set Wordpress. Once again, contact your hosting company's technical support if you have a problem with this. If you find it difficult, just visit or just go straight to the latest version. Download the latest version of Wordpress.Ini is easy. Just go to / download /, and download the current version. You have a choice between a ZIP file or tar.gz file. I think the tar.gz file may be smaller, but I always download the ZIP file ZIP tersebut.Uncompress Wordpress.Sekali again this is easy.
Configure WordPressBuka WordPress folder and rename the file wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php only. Now open and enter the 4 pieces of information about your database into 4 field below.
define ('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); / / The name of databasedefine ('DB_USER', 'username'); / / your user name MySQLdefine ('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); / / ... and passworddefine ( 'db_host', 'localhost'); opportunity / / 99% description: You do not need to change this value
and to
define ('DB_NAME', 'yourDatabaseName'); / / The name of databasedefine ('DB_USER', '-username'); / / your user name MySQLdefine ('DB_PASSWORD', '-password'); / / ... and passworddefine ('db_host', '-hostname'); opportunity / / 99% (you do not need to change this value)
Choose Your Install Directory and Upload SemuanyaJika you want your blog in a separate directory from your site, such as " / blog", then change the name "wordpress" folder to "blog" and upload to the root directory with a ftp program.
If you want your blog to be in the root directory of your website, it means the blog will be located in "", then just open the wordpress folder and upload all files and folders to your web root. If you already have a file named index.html, or index.php, you have to rename it or get rid of before you upload it.
Finish and Instal8. In the browser, go to the domain where you upload Wordpress, and then to / wp-admin/install.php, and follow the simple instructions there.
After that you will get a username and password.Simpan in a safe place.
Like That and only that easy. You now have a new blog. You can now log in with your username and password, and start writing about your own inspiration.
5. Download WordPress themes
            Find a theme to suit your own desires. It's up to you, I suggest, find the theme you think would fit with the idea of ​​your writing .. Choosing a WordPress theme. There are many places to find WordPress themes. When you find one you like, just download and unzip as you do with the Wordpress ZIP file.
6. Add Scene AndaAnda can do this after you upload, but it may be easier to just do it now.
Look for themes folder. That in wordpress => wp-content => theme.
Already there should be 2 theme folder in the theme folder, the "classic" and "default". Just drop your new theme folder with them.
Above is a little tip from, that's just as easy as you can expresses your ideas in a blog, and if you are lucky then you will get the most benefit from your blog, good luck
 ^ _ ^
Good Luck ... ... ... ... ....
... ... ... ... ..

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